Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Character Analysis: Angel Face

Character Analysis: Angel Face

By: Brian Cotnoir

Angel Face from "Fight Club"
The First rule of Asylum for Nerds is you must share this article.  The second rule of Asylum for Nerds is you must share this article.  Fight Club: has there ever been a more masculine title for a book/film?  I don’t think so.  Ever since Fox Studios made a film version of Chuck Palahniuk’s novel of the same name, “Fight Club” has gone on to inspire a loyal cult following.  Millions of men around the world have identified with the stories nameless narrator, and have also aspired to be like the macho and ripped Tyler Durden.  Even though the Narrator and Tyler Durden (played by Edward Norton and Brad Pitt respectively) are the two most easily identical characters associated with the book and film, they aren’t the only ones who are iconic or memorable.  There’s also Helena Bonham-Carter’s character Marla Singer, and Meatloaf’s Robert Paulson, but ther is another—nameless—character in the film who has gained a loyal cult following (in both the film and in real life), and that character is Angel Face.  But what is it about this character that makes him so special and memorable?  Let’s take a look at him shall we?

CHARACTER: Angel Face from “Fight Club” (1999)

Angel Face scarred up after fight with Narrator
Angel Face is first introduced to the film at one of the nights at Fight Club held by the Narrator & Tyler Durden.  We never learn his actual name, he is merely referred to as “Angel Face” is both the novel and the film, though, he is sometimes referred to as “Mister Perfect Angel Face” by the resentful Narrator.  Angel Face is described as being very young and having beautiful blonde hair and facial features.  It is because of the reasons that the narrator harbors a deep resentment towards him, and believes that Angel Face is trying to usurp him, and find favoritism with Tyler Durden.  This resentment eventually boils over and Angel Face is savagely bludgeoned by the Narrator one night at Fight Club.  The Narrator proclaims “[he] wanted to destroy something beautiful”, and hence Angel Face loses his good looks.  The next time we see Angel Face in the film he is being recruited for Tyler Durden’s newest plan, Project Mayhem, and still bears the disfigured scars left on his face by the Narrator.  He takes great pleasure in their corporate destruction and is a highly active and willing participant in Project Mayhem


Actor Jared Leto plays Angel Face in "Fight Club"
Angel Face is played by future Academy Award® Winning Actor & Musician Jared Leto.  Leto definitely fits the description of Angel Face in the film; he was young, good looking, and had blonde hair.  Leto was really the best choice for the role, and I believe is just as important as Brad Pitt for making this film a must-see for many Female audience members.  I know so many women who are huge fans of Leto’s band 30 Seconds to Mars, and saw this film solely to see him act in it.  Another reason why I believe Leto was the best choice for the person to play Angel Face in “Fight Club” is because of his now famous notoriety for playing characters in film who end up being horribly disfigured and brutally killed such as in “Requiem for a Dream”, “American Psycho”, and “Panic Room”. 


We have seen other characters like Angel Face in film and stories before; the young person who joins a cause (possibly) looking for belonging and acceptance, and becomes heavily involved in the cause doing anything and everything he is asked to do by the group’s leader.  The only character I can think off the top of my head who draws similarities to Angel Face is a character named Tim from a 2008 German film called “Die Welle” (or “The Wave”).  Both are dedicated to their group’s leader and their cause, and feel that what they are doing for their cause is extremely important and justifiable.

Angel Face taking part in his Project Mayhem initiation

Tim wasn't accepted into Project Mayhem


It is never clearly explained what happened to Angel Face and the rest of the members of Project Mayhem.  We see them arrive at Parker-Morris Building just as the Narrator begins to have is existential battle with his alter ego, Tyler Durden (and no, I did not feel the need to declare a SPOILER Warning because if you haven’t already seen “Fight Club” before reading this article it’s your own damn fault!)  The last scene we see in the film is of the Narrator and Marla Singer watching the buildings being blown up by the members of Project Mayhem, it is never officially stated in the film whether or not Angel Face and the other members of Project Mayhem died in the destruction as well or if they were merely just there to watch the show.  Personally, I think he must have died in the explosion with all the others, but that’s just my opinion.

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